Extricate from Weight Kaptivity

(I write Captivity starting with "K" only for marketing purpose)



This is an absolutely new and different way


to lose your weight!




This is not a diet!


If diets would work for you, then you would not be here, would you?


I have done many diets as well. I have tried to lose my extra pounds/kilograms/stones for 15 years.


I lost weight with some diets, but in no time I had put the weight back on, and a bit more!


You know, it is called Yo-Yo effect.   



I thought it is not right, diets do work for me. I belived it strong. However I was not righ.



Any time I have lost some weight, it came back with interest.

Roughly adding on an additional 10%.



It does not seem too much, and you do not feel it really, because if you lose 5 kilograms, you end up putting back 5.5 kg with the interest.


So you do not even see it.




Any time you do it, it comes again and again.

And I can tell you this:


The more you try to lose your weight,

the more weight you will put on.

 Image result for yoyoeffect


So at the end it is worse than before...


This was my story, as well.


I wanted to lose 10 kilograms, and I ended up with extra 30 kilograms over a  15 year period of hard dieting.


It took me a long time, a lot of effort, and at the end I did not want to step on a scale and look at myself and did not let anyone to take a photo of me. That was the muddy, black hell for me.


And then I stopped dieting.


I told myself:


No more diets!


And first time, I kept it :)


I did not diet for 2 years.


No diets. No effort to lose weight.


I ate what I wanted, I did what I felt, and enjoyed the life.


I was around 90 kilograms/14.2 stones/198.4 pounds.


And guess what happened!




Nothing at all!


I did not put more weight on me,

and I was very happy with it :)))


Despite this I was still preoccupied about weight loss,

I did a fitness instructor training,

I did all the lessons and trainings, but nothing happened :))

BUT I still was happy with it, because I did not put on more weight. :)

That was a miracle for me itself.






One day


Something happened...




Something has changed in my soul,


and it made me  Extricate from the Weight Kaptivity.








I started to lose weight.


I have lost my extra weight without dieting or effort. The pounds just melted away.


Now, I can help you to do that too....


You can lose your unwanted kilograms as well!


Your first time is free!


Make your appointment by texting me

on 075 14 18 04 94 !


I wish you the BEST!




Text me or call me on 075 14 18 04 94!

















Asztali nézet